Annual Awards for Member Competition
Through the generosity of the members and friends, the Irish Setter Club of America, Inc. offers its Annual Special Awards for wins at shows held from January 1, through December 31, of the award year. Members claiming awards must be in good standing continuously through the time when the award was earned and through the time it is presented.
Links to Online Awards Applications
Awards Chair:
Debbie Davis
635 S M 75
Boyne City, MI 49712
Previous Award Winner Listings
The AKC Outstanding Sportsmanship Award
In the American Kennel Club’s ongoing efforts to recognize and celebrate its volunteer club members, The AKC Outstanding Sportsmanship Award program was established in 2006 to provide each member club with an AKC Medallion to award to one of its own on a yearly basis.
This award honors those individuals who deserve special recognition that have made a difference in the sport of purebred dogs, embodied the AKC Code of Sportsmanship, and have been an active and valued member of an AKC member club. Medallions are awarded solely at the club’s discretion.
2008 Charles Sloughfy
2009 Stan Noble
2010 Connie Vanacore
2011 Ed Meyer
2012 Jan Ziech
2013 Linda Kalmar
2014 Jeannie Wagner
2015 Sheila “Smokey” Hiles
2016 Kevin Culver
2017 Nina Johnson
2018 Peter Kubacz
2019 Kelli Aitken
2020 Anne Marie Kubacz
2021 Darcy Petrof
2022 Mariette O’Malley
2023 Ginny Swanson
2024 Sarah Spang

E.I. Eldredge Award
The E.I. Eldredge Award is given to the person who best exemplifies those attributes most closely associated with Ted Eldredge: Good Sportsmanship, compassion, kindness, integrity, courtesy and devotion to the welfare of the breed.
1986 Anne Savory
1987 Connie Vanacore
1988 Clayton Webb
1989 Emily Schweitzer
1990 Marion Pahy
1991 Joyce Mumford
1992 Robert Helferty MD
1993 No recipient
1994 Paula McAteer
1995 Anne Marie Kubacz
1996 Kenneth Ruff
1997 Claire Andrews
1998 Jay Zirkle
1999 No recipient
2000 Betty Crawford
2001 Sandra Novocin
2002 Dale Hood
2003 Gary Brown DVM
2004 Craig Hackenberg
2005 Susan Hahnen
2006 Jeanette Holmes
2007 Lucy Jane Myers
2008 Shirley Farrington
2009 Dr John Savory
2010 Karolynne McAteer
2011 Marilyn Title
2012 Marilee Larson
2013 Ed Meyer
2014 Sam McDonald
2015 Barbara Riegle
2016 Pat Haigler
2017 Jeanine Wilson
2018 Kay Bedeau
2019 Patty Nagel
2020 Kevin Culver
2021 Lorelei Windhorn
2022 Robert Robinson
2023 Maureen Day
2024 Marti Donnell